Acupuncture Technicians treat and heal the patients with a unique technique of needling. They strategically insert thin needles in different pressure points of body in order to relieve tension, release energy and stimulate the human body. Acupuncture Technicians help the patients suffering from both physical and mental disorder such as arthritis, back pain, headaches, depression, […]
Biostatisticians of Biostatistics Professionals (Health) use scientific knowledge along with statistical methods and mathematical techniques in the field of health care and medical research. They explain the biological phenomena in determining the causes of disease and identifying the health tends of human beings in a given period of time. They can explore a link between […]
Behavioral Scientists play a key role in educating people regarding human behavior that prevents disease and promotes good health. They are trained to research various kinds of human behaviors by observing certain situation of health concerns of specific populations. After analyzing the findings in the research, they also develop and implement strategies to facilitate positive […]
Podiatrists, also known as “Doctor of Podiatric Medicine”, are dedicated to diagnose and treat ailments, injuries and diseases of the foot, ankle and lower extremity. These professionals are exclusively specialized in treating foot and ankle of human being. They generally work at in offices of podiatry either of their own or in private and public […]
Physician-Scientists are mainly dedicated to explore new medical knowledge and techniques by doing research work on various diseases, along with other clinical activities. For example, these professionals may take blood samples of diseased persons, conduct various tests, analyze them and then come up with a drug that would cure the disease. They certainly contribute towards […]
Occupational Health Nurse (OHN) plays a key role in improving the health conditions of workers and working environment. Their main responsibilities include protecting workers’ health and improving the quality of working life in preventing occupational accidents, diseases and environment hazards. They also sort out the work-related social and emotional issues of the workers. More importantly, […]
Forensic Odontologists identify the bite marks on individuals and look into all aspects of their implications while prescribing adequate treatment. They examine the human remains that can not be identified through face recognition. Such needs arise in case of mass casualties, including plane crash, road mishap and natural disasters. The Forensic Odontologists determine the source […]
Clinical Nurse Specialists hold a master’s or doctor’s degree in any of the specialized areas of nursing such as pediatrics, geriatrics, women’s health, critical care, diabetes, oncology, psychiatric, rehabilitation etc. They help patients prevent illness while providing all types of care and assistance on treatment. They also offer consultant services whenever required. Educational Requirements: 1. […]