Considering a degree in Healthcare Administration?

Considering a degree in Healthcare Administration?

According to the US Department of Labor, healthcare will generate 3.2 million jobs between 2008 and 2018, more than any other industry, largely in response to rapid growth in the eldery population.

The Big Business And Lies Behind Coronavirus COVID-19 (Infographic)

The unprecedented governmental spending in response COVID-19 has led to immense worldwide graft and corruption. Is YOUR country on the list? Embed this image on your site (570px wide) Via: DISCLAIMER: THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS INFOGRAPHIC AND THE USER GENERATED COMMENTS BELOW DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF HEALTHCAREADMINISTRATION.COM Previous Infographics Exposing the […]

How to Become an Acute Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

A great deal of training and education is necessary in order to become an Acute Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (ACPNP). This is because the position demands from practitioners an ever increasing expertise and high level of responsibility. However, before a medical professional can obtain certification to become an Acute Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, this person must […]

Becoming a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner in Pediatrics

The practice for a nurse practitioner encompasses a special mix of medicine and nursing helping connect patient care to cure. There are far fewer physicians opting for entering family-based medical practices in recent years, so many different types of nurse practitioners fill a need for more accessible health care for all. A Good Beginning It […]

Becoming a Geriatric Nurse Practitioner Aids the Elderly

Many nursing professionals have opted for specialized study in the medical care area of Gerontology – providing healthcare services to the elderly. Advances in medical science have produced a greater amount of people in the nation’s elder population. These people usually need more focused and consistent medical care to maintain proper health during their later […]